Embark on a triumphant journey with YoForex as we guide you through The Funded Trader Royal Challenge ($50,000 TFT). With an impeccable 100% accuracy, we navigate and conquer all prop firm rules, ensuring your success in every phase.
Explore the TFT Royal Challenge Features:
Phase 1: Challenge
- Trading Period: Unlimited
- Minimum Trading Days: 5 Days
- Challenge Leverage: 1:200
- Virtual Profit Target: $4,000 (8%)
- Maximum Loss: $5,000 (10%)
- Maximum Daily Loss: $2,500 (5%)
- Expert Advisors & Weekend Holding: Yes
- Drawdown Type: Equity & Balance
- Virtual Profit Split: X
- First Withdrawal: X
- First Withdrawal Bonus: $289 USD
Phase 2: Verification
- Trading Period: Unlimited
- Minimum Trading Days: 5 Days
- Challenge Leverage: 1:200
- Virtual Profit Target: $2,500 (5%)
- Maximum Loss: $5,000 (10%)
- Maximum Daily Loss: $2,500 (5%)
- Expert Advisors & Weekend Holding: Yes
- Drawdown Type: Equity & Balance
- Virtual Profit Split: X
- First Withdrawal: X
- First Withdrawal Bonus: Free
Phase 3: Certification
- Trading Period: Unlimited
- Minimum Trading Days: None
- Challenge Leverage: 1:100
- Virtual Profit Target: None
- Maximum Loss: $5,000 (10%)
- Maximum Daily Loss: $2,500 (5%)
- Expert Advisors & Weekend Holding: Yes
- Drawdown Type: Equity & Balance
- Virtual Profit Split: 80% | 90% with Scaling
- First Withdrawal: 30 Days
- First Withdrawal Bonus: First Withdrawal Bonus
Choose YoForex for an unparalleled royal trading experience. Conquer the challenges with precision and expertise, and let your success reign supreme! #TheFundedTrader #TFT #YoForexRoyalChallenge
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