
AI Gen XII EA V1.3


Discover AI Gen XII EA V1.3, a state-of-the-art trading bot designed for optimal performance on XAUUSD (GOLD). It operates on the M30 timeframe, requiring a minimum deposit of just $100. Compatible with any account type, this EA ensures precise, efficient, and profitable trading with robust risk management.

Units Sold: 5


Maximize Your Trading Potential with AI Gen XII EA V1.3

Unleash the power of automated trading with the AI Gen XII EA V1.3, a cutting-edge Expert Advisor designed to optimize your trading strategy. This robust tool is specifically engineered to maximize your profits while minimizing risks, making it an essential addition to your trading arsenal.

Recommended Settings:

  • Currency Pair: XAUUSD, GOLD
  • Timeframe: M30 (30 Minutes)
  • Minimum Deposit: $100
  • Account Type: Any


The AI Gen XII EA V1.3 leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze market trends and execute trades with precision. This EA is tailored for the XAUUSD pair, commonly known as GOLD, ensuring it capitalizes on the unique characteristics and volatility of this precious metal.

Key Features:

  1. Smart Trading Algorithms: The EA utilizes sophisticated AI models to predict market movements and make data-driven trading decisions.
  2. Risk Management: With a minimum deposit requirement of just $100, the AI Gen XII EA V1.3 is accessible to traders of all levels. It incorporates robust risk management protocols to safeguard your investment.
  3. Versatile Account Compatibility: Whether you have a standard, mini, or micro account, this EA adapts seamlessly, providing consistent performance across different account types.
  4. Optimized for XAUUSD: The EA is fine-tuned to trade GOLD on the M30 timeframe, taking advantage of the frequent trading opportunities within this time window.

AI Gen XII EA V1.3

AI Gen XII EA V1.3

AI Gen XII EA V1.3

AI Gen XII EA V1.3

Why Choose AI Gen XII EA V1.3?

  • Consistency: Achieve steady growth with an EA that is back-tested and proven to perform in various market conditions.
  • Efficiency: Save time and effort by letting the AI handle the complex aspects of trading, allowing you to focus on your overall investment strategy.
  • Adaptability: Suitable for any account type, making it a versatile tool for all traders.
  • Affordability: Start trading with a minimum deposit of $100, making it accessible to a wide range of traders.

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