
Aura White Edition EA V2.4


Aura White Edition EA V2.4 is a sophisticated  MT4 EA that automates forex trading using advanced algorithms and indicators. Supporting multiple currency pairs, it offers robust risk management, customizable settings, and optimal performance with an ECN broker, making it ideal for traders seeking consistent results.📈

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Aura White Edition EA V2.4: Elevate Your Forex Trading Experience


Aura White Edition EA V2.4 is a cutting-edge Expert Advisor designed for MetaTrader 4. This EA leverages sophisticated algorithms and market analysis to automate trades, enhancing trading efficiency and profitability. Ideal for traders seeking consistent results, it works seamlessly with multiple currency pairs and various brokers.



Aura White Edition EA V2.4 employs a robust strategy focusing on trend analysis, market momentum, and precise entry and exit points.

  • Trend Indicators: Uses a combination of moving averages (MA) and Average Directional Index (ADX) to identify and confirm market trends.
  • Momentum Analysis: Utilizes the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastic Oscillator to assess market momentum and potential reversal points.
  • Trend Confirmation: Confirms the trend direction using MA and ADX, ensuring trades align with the prevailing market direction.
  • Momentum Confirmation: Entry signals are generated when RSI and Stochastic Oscillator indicate overbought or oversold conditions, coupled with trend confirmation.
  • Automated Orders: Executes buy or sell orders automatically based on confirmed entry signals.
  • Stop Loss and Take Profit: Each trade includes predefined stop loss and take profit levels to manage risk and secure gains.
  • Position Sizing: Adjusts position sizes based on account equity to maintain sustainable risk levels.
  • Adaptive Lot Sizing: Modifies trade volume according to market conditions and account balance to optimize risk management.
  • Predefined Levels: Trades are closed automatically when they reach the predefined stop loss or take profit levels.
  • Trailing Stop: Implements a dynamic trailing stop to lock in profits as the market moves favorably.


Aura White Edition EA V2.4

Aura White Edition EA V2.4

Aura White Edition EA V2.4

Aura White Edition EA V2.4

Recommended Settings

  • Timeframe: H1 (One Hour)
  • Minimum Deposit: $100
  • Minimum Leverage: 1:20
  • Broker: An ECN broker is recommended for optimal performance, but not mandatory.

Key Features:

  • Automated Trading: Executes trades autonomously using advanced algorithms.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Works with a variety of currency pairs including EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURGBP, USDCAD, USDCHF.
  • Advanced Indicators: Utilizes MA, ADX, RSI, and Stochastic Oscillator for precise market analysis.
  • Robust Risk Management: Features built-in risk management protocols to protect your investments.
  • Customizable Settings: Fully adjustable parameters to suit different trading styles.
  • Broker Compatibility: Compatible with any broker, with an ECN broker recommended for best results.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and operate, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels.

Disclaimer: Trading involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before trading.📈🍀


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