
Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 MT4


The Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 for MT4 is a powerful custom tool designed to help forex traders gauge the relative strength of different currencies. It combines the principles of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) with a histogram representation. By plotting an RSI histogram on a chart, this indicator allows traders to visualize market trends and momentum. Green bars in the histogram indicate an uptrend, while red bars signify a downtrend. Additionally, the indicator incorporates a smoothing moving average as a signal line, aiding traders in identifying potential entry and exit points in the market.

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Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 MT4


The Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 is a powerful custom indicator designed for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform. It combines the principles of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) with a histogram representation, allowing traders to easily visualize market trends and momentum. Here’s how it works:

Key Features

  1. RSI Histogram:
    • The indicator plots an RSI histogram on the chart.
    • Green bars indicate an uptrend, while red bars signify a downtrend.
    • This visual representation helps traders quickly assess market momentum.
  2. Smoothing Moving Average:
    • The Currency Strength RSI V2 incorporates a smoothing moving average (similar to the MACD signal line).
    • The moving average provides additional insights, aiding in identifying entry and exit points.

Trading Specifications

  • Recommended Time Frame: H1 (1-hour chart)
  • Minimum Deposit: Start with a balance of at least $1,000 to $5,000 (depending on your risk tolerance).
  • Currency Pairs: Use the indicator across all major currency pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, etc.).

How It Works

  1. RSI Histogram:
    • The indicator calculates the RSI value for a specified period.
    • Green bars above the signal line indicate bullish momentum, while red bars below the signal line suggest bearish momentum.
  2. Smoothing Moving Average:
    • The moving average smooths out the RSI histogram values.
    • When the histogram bars are above the moving average, it confirms an uptrend; below the moving average, it confirms a downtrend.


Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 MT4

Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 MT4

Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2 MT4


Using the Currency Strength RSI Indicator V2

  1. Trend Confirmation:
    • Look for consistent green bars above the signal line for a strong uptrend.
    • Conversely, consistent red bars below the signal line indicate a strong downtrend.
  2. Divergence Signals:
    • Pay attention to divergences between price and the RSI histogram.
    • Bullish divergence occurs when price makes lower lows, but the RSI histogram shows higher lows (potential reversal).
    • Bearish divergence occurs when price makes higher highs, but the RSI histogram shows lower highs (potential reversal).

How to Get Started

  1. Download and Installation:


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