
FX Power Indicator V4.32 MT4 NG


The FX Power Indicator V4.32 MT4 NG is the next-generation version of the popular FX Power currency strength meter designed for the Meta Trader 4 (MT4) platform. The FX Power Indicator provides comprehensive insights into the relative strength of different currencies. It allows traders to assess which currencies are strong or weak in real-time.

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FX Power Indicator V4.32 MT4 NG : Unleashing Currency Strength Insights


The FX Power Indicator V4.32 MT4 NG is the next-generation version of the popular FX Power currency strength meter. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your trading experience.

Key Features

  1. Complete Strength History:
    • Access historical strength data for all major currencies.
    • Understand how currency dynamics have evolved over time.
  2. Identical Calculation Results:
    • Consistent results across different brokers and charts.
    • No repainting—reliable real-time calculations.
  3. Selectable Analysis Periods:
    • Choose from predefined time frames via a drop-down list.
    • Tailor your analysis to short-term or long-term perspectives.
  4. Individually Configurable Analysis:
    • Customize analysis periods using the custom mode.
    • Fine-tune your approach for optimal performance.
  5. Multi-Instance Capability:
    • Run multiple instances of FX Power within a single chart.
    • Compare different time frames simultaneously.
  6. Movable Display:
    • Drag and drop the FX Power display to your preferred location.
    • Adapt it seamlessly to your chart layout.
  7. High-Resolution Compatibility:
    • Suitable for QHD, UHD, and 4K displays.
    • Enjoy crisp visuals on modern screens.
  8. Automated Terminal Configuration:
    • Hassle-free setup—let the EA handle the technical details.
    • Focus on trading decisions rather than configuration.
  9. Optimized for Tablets and Touchscreens:
    • Use FX Power on the go with ease.
    • Intuitive touch controls for efficient analysis.
  10. Alerts and Notifications:
    • Receive alerts via email, messages, and mobile notifications.
    • Stay informed about critical market movements.
  11. Accessible Buffers for EA Requests:
    • Seamlessly integrate FX Power with other expert advisors.
    • Utilize its strength data for automated trading strategies.


FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG

Trading Strategies

  1. Currency Crossings:
    • Monitor the histogram lines for currency pairs.
    • BUY when EUR crosses USD upwards.
    • SELL when EUR crosses USD downwards.
  2. Confirming Patterns:
    • Run two FX Power instances (e.g., 1-hour and 8-hour analysis).
    • BUY EURUSD if EUR is stronger than USD in both periods.
    • SELL EURUSD if EUR is weaker than USD in both periods.
  3. Correlation Trading:
    • Consider the relative strength of individual currencies.
    • BUY if EUR and CHF are stronger than USD.
    • SELL if EUR and CHF are weaker than USD.

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum Deposit: Please refer to your broker’s guidelines.
  • Leverage: Check your broker’s leverage options.
  • Minimum Lots: Consult your broker for precise lot size requirements.

Download and Connect


Remember, the FX Power EA V4.32 MT4 NG empowers you with data-driven decisions. Explore its capabilities, adapt your trading style, and ride the currency waves with confidence.




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