
Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4


The Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4  is a technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying potential trading opportunities by detecting trends and breakout zones on price charts. Developed by professional traders, this indicator employs a unique algorithm that combines several technical indicators to generate signals based on price action. It is widely used in the forex market, but it can also be applied to other financial markets such as stocks and commodities.

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Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4


The Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator is a powerful tool designed to enhance your trading experience in the forex market. It combines technical analysis with breakout strategies, helping you identify potential trading opportunities and make informed decisions. Let’s dive into the details:

Key Features

  • Indicator Type: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) custom indicator
  • Purpose: Detects trends and breakout zones on price charts
  • Applicable Markets: Primarily forex, but can also be used for stocks and commodities

Minimum Deposit

  • Recommended Minimum Deposit: $500 (USD)


  • Optimal Timeframe: M5 (5-minute chart)

Currency Pair

  • Preferred Currency Pair: EURUSD (Euro/US Dollar)


Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4

Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4

Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator MT4

Trading Strategy

The Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator follows a straightforward strategy based on trend direction and breakout opportunities. Here’s how it works:

  1. Trend Identification:
    • The indicator analyzes price action to determine the prevailing trend direction (upward or downward).
    • It considers multiple technical indicators to assess the strength of the trend.
  2. Breakout Zones:
    • The indicator identifies key support and resistance levels.
    • When prices break out of these levels, it signals potential trading opportunities.
  3. Entry and Exit Points:
    • Traders can enter positions when a breakout occurs (above resistance for long trades or below support for short trades).
    • Exit points can be set based on predefined profit targets or trailing stops.

Trading Style

  • Scalping Approach:
    • The Trend Plus Breakout System Indicator is suitable for scalping due to its focus on short-term price movements.
    • Traders aim to capture quick profits during volatile market conditions.

Risk Management

  • Not Martingale or Hedging:
    • The indicator does not employ martingale or hedging strategies.
    • Traders should manage risk by setting appropriate stop-loss levels.


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