
Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL


The Way To Stars EA V1.17 is a cutting-edge expert advisor (EA) designed for Meta Trader 4 (MT4) without the need for external DLLs. Way To Stars EA prioritizes safety by implementing hard stop loss and take profit levels for each position.

Units Sold: 6


Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL

  1. Minimum Deposit: To get started with the “Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL,” you’ll need a minimum deposit of $300.
  2. Timeframe: The EA is adaptable to various timeframes, so you can choose ANY timeframe that suits your trading preferences.
  3. Currency Pair: For optimal performance, consider running the EA on the GBPUSD currency pair.


Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL

Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL

Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL

  1. Strategy Highlights:
    • No Grid or Martingale: The EA avoids risky strategies like grid trading or martingale.
    • Single Transaction: It focuses on executing a single transaction at a time.
    • Risk Management:
      • Spread Orders: To reduce risks, the EA spreads orders into multiple positions.
      • Maximum Holding Time: It manages risk by adhering to a maximum holding time for each position.
      • Maximum Floating Loss Ratio: The EA limits the floating loss ratio to protect your capital.
    • Adaptive Trading Hours: The EA automatically adjusts trading hours based on time zones and daylight saving time changes.


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You can download the EA from our website: Way To Stars EA V1.17 MT4 NoDLL.




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